Welcome to the LSHC members only forum.
This forum is for active members of the Louisiana Sportsmans' Hunting Club. If you are already a member, then click here to log in.
This section provides information about certain actions that can be performed on accounts. By default, members may change many different options that affect look and layout to make their forum experience more enjoyable. Some forum administrators may choose to limit these options, but here are the basics. SMF provides the ability to create and use different themes. Provided there is more than one theme installed, a member may choose the theme that they prefer. They may also customize the time format that the theme uses to display dates and times. Additionally, setting a time offset allows the forum to display dates and times in the member's local time. The forum provides a handy auto-detect feature in case a member does not know what their offset should be. The following options may be enabled or disabled by selecting their corresponding checkboxes.
Members may also choose how many topics to display per page on a board's message index and how many posts to display per page within a topic. There are also options for using quick reply and quick moderation. Quick reply allows members to post to a topic without actually using the posting page. Quick moderation allows members to perform moderation actions on multiple posts or topics more quickly if they have the permissions to do so. |